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February 15, 2014The month of March boasts National Kidney Month. At Maplewood Sauk Prairie, we’d like to share tips about kidneys and how to keep them healthy.
Many functions are performed by the kidneys including removing body waste, balancing the body’s chemicals and fluids, regulating blood pressure, producing red blood cells and helping bones to remain healthy.
Chronic Kidney Disease, CKD, is something that affects millions of Americans. CKD is manageable, yet if undetected can worsen over time.
Anyone can be struck by CKD, yet factors such as diabetes and high blood pressure are the most common causes. Symptoms are not always noticeable, but may include nausea, swelling in the feet, hands or face, back pain and unusual looking urine. A simple test done on blood and urine can let you know if you have kidney disease.
Common kidney problems include kidney stones and kidney infections. Though they are less serious, if left untreated, they can develop into a real problem. An inherited disorder that can lead to kidney damage is polycystic kidney disease.
Key factors in preventing kidney problems include managing diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease. There are also benefits to keeping kidneys healthy through reducing sodium in your diet, exercising regularly and controlling cholesterol.
Go to for more information about kidney health.