Orthopedic Rehabilitation

Maplewood’s Orthopedic Rehabilitation Team is your partner in regaining mobility, reducing joint pain with physical activity and restoring comfort during your recovery from a joint replacement surgery, such as knee or hip replacement. After a surgery or accident, your recovery time can be reduced by having appropriate and frequent rehabilitation services from the expert physical and occupational therapists at Maplewood. The intensive, 5 to 6 day per week, therapy received will facilitate your quickest and smoothest return to home.
Therapists, nurses, and nursing assistants work closely together with you to assure that you are able to return to your highest level of independence. Our therapists and nurses take high priority in your comfort level so that you may complete your therapies with the least discomfort. In addition, we have frequent contact with your physician to assure that the care you are receiving is the appropriate and highest quality of care.
Maplewood’s Orthopedic Rehabilitation Team stands ready to begin working with you upon discharge from the hospital. For those who feel they have not realized their full potential or are not satisfied with their present level of function after returning home, Maplewood’s Orthopedic Rehabilitation Team can begin where hospital therapy services ended.
Our team offers an individualized treatment plan combined with the latest technology to assist you in achieving your goals. This individualized treatment plan is specific to your needs, focused on improving both your physical and functional abilities, with your specific goals in mind. Our team is also aware that your family and friends are a large part of your successful recovery and we welcome their visits and involvement as often as you desire. Maplewood’s Orthopedic Rehabilitation Team is your partner for successful results.